Hyper Stacks 1994 May
Hyper Stacks (Pacific HiTech)(1994)[Mac].iso
FontCard .ABOUT
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FontCard (v1.1) is a HyperCard 2.x stack for to catalog your fonts.
With it, you create A4-letter-sized forms containing (all) keyboard
characters of (all) active fonts and get them printed or bitmap images
of them stacked. There's also a report template for you get a printout
with only one or a few sample lines of each font (save much paper).
Some features of FontCard are:
- the default character sets are editable
- each font card (character sets) is editable
- text size may be chosen from 9 to 48 for each card
- quick text spacing chages
- mark card, unmark card, invert all marks, unmark all.
- new cards marked automatically; cards for fonts that are
not available, unmarked automatically (on startup)
- print card / marked / all
- create bitmap "shadow" of card / marked / all
Some of those features help you scan through the fonts you keep
in suitcases or in only one or two machines on your large network.
FontCard can't catalog fonts from closed suitcases, though, but you
can open a bunch of fonts, catalog them, unmark them, close them
/move to another machine, open another bunch of fonts (partly the
same than the first one, maybe), catalog (only the marked ones of)
them, etc.
Version 1.1 works with HC2.1 also (1.0 didn't).
FontCard is mostly FREE; It _may_, though, and if used at work or
in business, _should_ be paid for. Please give a copy to your friends.
Created by Taneli Armanto, univ. of Turku, Finland, 1992.
e-mail tanar@polaris.cc.utu.fi